It was both! I got to participate in two panels with fellow librarians and comics industry professionals. I attended even more panels, book buzzes, and other educational programs. I acquired some ARCs. I got to meet Kevin Eastman (again). I got to mingle with fellow LGBT librarians and comics professionals.

Unfortunately, this last part came with a price, and that price was COVID. Last I checked, everyone was doing fine, but I am grateful ALA required masks for attendees. Even with masks, I am seeing many reports of COVID spread from my fellow conference goers.
Despite and this darkness the permeated all of DC due to the actions of SCOTUS, it was a wonderful conference. I am so grateful for the chance to meet so many colleagues I admire in person. I was truly honored to be invited to speak on these panels and to be invited to the networking events.
Two more important things: I got to pet some therapy bunnies.

And I got two more sketches added to my Care Bear Sketchbook.

I hope every library conference from now on is as fruitful.