Guardians of the Galaxy #5, variant edition (September, 2013)


I Knew We Were Right for Each Other When…

I am sharing this memory today to celebrate the release of the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer. When I look at this comic, I remember the trip my boyfriend and I took to ride roller coasters together for the first time, and why I knew we were right for each other:

I knew we were right for each other when I asked him to go to the Cedar Point amusement park and he said “yes”.

I knew we were right for each other when he had to reluctantly ask me to reach the coffee for him that morning, because I had placed it on a shelf too high for him to reach.

I knew we were right for each other when he needed three cups of coffee, even though I don’t drink coffee.

I knew we were right for each other when he agreed to get breakfast before the park opened at a delicious place my friend Neil introduced me to.

I knew we were right for each other when the service was surprisingly terrible, but he didn’t blame me and he was still polite to the server.

I knew we were right for each other when I said, “Let’s start at the back of the park” and he said “okay.”

I knew we were right for each other when he said, “I hate rides that drop you,” but he rode the Power Tower anyway.

I knew we were right for each other when he, a hardened former Marine, literally screamed in mortal terror when the Power Tower dropped us.

I knew we were right for each other when I said, “We have to get in as many rides on as many coasters as possible, back to back” and he said, “Sounds good.”

I knew we were right for each other when he rode Gatekeeper four times in a row, despite feeling nauseated. 

I knew we were right for each other when he used the “Places I’ve Pooped” app on his phone to tag Cedar Point. 

I knew we were right for each other when he said there was nothing that could make him ride the very high Windseeker, and then he rode it when I said “please.”

I knew we were right for each other when he kept his eyes closed on the very high Windseeker the entire time.

I knew we were right for each other when I silently gauged his height against the measurement chart before each ride, unbeknownst to him, to make sure he would be tall enough.

I knew we were right for each other when he devoured his lunch like a Kirby (the vacuum or the video game character), leaving not a crumb.

I knew we were right for each other when he gave me squeezes in public.

I knew we were right for each other when we both said the same word, I declared “JINX” on him, and he stayed completely silent until I said his name, because of his willingness to follow childish rules.

I knew we were right for each other when he said Raptor was his favorite ride.

I knew we were right for each other when he changed it and said that Maverick was his favorite ride, even though it’s lame.

I knew we were right for each other when he used the “Places I’ve Pooped” app on his phone to tag Cedar Point a second time. 

I knew we were right for each other when I messed up my strategy and we had to actually wait in line for something, but he didn’t seem bothered being stuck in line with me and having to talk.

I knew we were right for each other when he was willing to run, run, RUN so that we could be the last two people allowed on Top Thrill Dragster, minutes after the park had officially closed.

I knew we were right for each other when it looked as though we could touch the moon from the top of Top Thrill Dragster.

I knew we were right for each other when he held my hand during the entire car ride back.

I knew we were right for each other when I said, “I know you don’t read comics, but you should read Guardians of the Galaxy” and he said, “I’ll give it a shot. It has a talking raccoon in it.”

What’s Inside: 

Angela! Angela is inside! Angela first appeared as a major character in Image’s Spawn title, before being recently sold to Marvel by her creator after he won the rights to her in a lawsuit. Who is her creator, you ask? Oh, just Neil Gaiman, that’s who. This is the first time [citation needed] that a comic book character has made an inter-company transfer from a series that is still going. Yeah…I can’t believe Spawn is still going either. It couldn’t be any good, could it? He outlived his relevance by ‘97, hadn’t he? The HBO cartoon was pretty neat, but remember that god-awful movie…killer soundtrack though…

Oh, I’m sorry, I derailed; back to this issue. I bought this issue for five reasons, and five reasons exactly; Angela is in it, the movie is coming out, it is written by Brian Michael Bendis, it has a variant cover which features my local comic shop, The Laughing Ogre, and IT IS WRITTEN BY BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS.

Anything Bendis writes is addictive, so I’m hooked on this series now. Also, he’s a super nice guy, at least judging from when I met him that one time (another memory for a later date).

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Artist: Sara Pichelli

Publisher: Marvel

Condition of My Copy: Stellar.