Hello out there. I hope you are staying self and healthy. If you’re like me, the weight of this crisis is heavy on you. You probably sometimes feel guilty from the crippling anxiety you’re suffering because you feel that you should be thankful for what you have. I think it’s okay, though, for us all to let us just feel what we’re feeling right now. This is a crisis, and, though we’re all apart, it’s a crisis we can overcome together.
One thing that I am thankful for, however, is the official release of my book in print. It’s no available from any book vendor, so, if you’re a librarian looking to engage in some professional development during your stay-at-home time, this could be helpful. And I truly hope that it is helpful. That’s all that I wish for it. I worked very hard on this book, and, though its sales are most certainly already sabotaged by the pandemic, if it be helpful to just one librarian out there, it will have been worth the effort.
If you snag yourself a copy, please tell me what you think. Leave a review on Goodreads or Amazon and don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or input you may have. Just use the feature right here on this website to contact me.
I hope to find you all in good health when this is all over. Please take care of yourselves and each other. We will overcome.